Good Habits of Great Web Designers
What habits should a web designer have? In my last two posts, I talked first about meta-habits, or how to create habits, and then about what bad habits to avoid, but I have yet to talk about what good habits web designers should have. In my post about meta-habits, the...

Stop Sabotaging Your Web Design Career
Imagine: How would you feel if you discovered that someone was purposefully sabotaging your business? What if someone was causing you to work slower and secretly slipping time-wasting tasks into your workday? What would you do if this same person started telling...

Meta-habits for Web Designers
abits are much more than chewing your fingernails or popping your knuckles without thinking about it. We are creatures of habit, and our daily lives are filled with habits that we don't even realize we have,...

The Good News Is That The Problem Is Not Your Client…
To be blunt, the real problem is NOT your client. The real problem is YOU. Yes, I know that is harsh, but it is actually very good news because you can’t do anything about how your clients are, but you can do quite a lot about you! Clients are who they are, and...

Have a Standout Job Interview
What I have learned from conducting hundreds of web design job interviews In my last article I talked about how to get a web design job interview. Over the last six years I have conducted literally hundreds of job interviews, mostly for web design or development...