Web Design Projects Gone Wild: The Importance of Project Definition

Yesterday I had lunch with one of my best friends and all around stand-up guy, who also happens to be a web designer.  Like the complete geeks that we are, we spent the entire lunch discussing web design, a possible JV project, common pain points etc., but most of the...

5 Web Development Traps to Avoid

There are two ways to learn any skill. One is by experience and the other is by being taught from someone who already has that experience. As with any skill, there are common web design mistakes that nearly everyone makes early on. Here, I want to guide you through...

Epic Post on How To Conquer Coding Frustration

Learning to code can be maddening.  A simple typo can first have you pulling out your hair, then questioning your career choices and eventually it might leave you questioning your own sanity. Learning to conquer this frustration and persist through troublesome errors...
How To Get a Web Design Job Interview

How To Get a Web Design Job Interview

Normally my focus on this blog is for freelance web design.  I know things are tough right now and there are very legitimate reasons to seek the security of working for a company or web design firm.  Over the last six years I have sifted through hundreds, maybe...

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5 Self-Motivation Techniques for Web Developers

5 Self-Motivation Techniques for Web Developers

We all have our own little bi-polar ups and downs to one degree or another.  During the manic phase everything is interesting and motivation and energy are abundant.  The trick during these high points is to focus on one thing for more than a few minutes.  But for...

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How to Charge by the Web Design Project

How to Charge by the Web Design Project

I was very surprised by the last article I posted about how charging by the hour sucks. It received some heated comments on Reddit.com and some disagreement in the article comments. I feel it is important to clear up some of the misunderstanding and clarify some of...

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Charging by the Hour Sucks!

Charging by the Hour Sucks!

Billing your web design projects by the hour sucks!  You know what I mean. “How many hours do I have left on my website project? Can you itemize that? What? Why did it take you so long to do this? My friend who made a website once says it should have only taken about...

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The True Purpose of a Website

The True Purpose of a Website

It’s easy for a designer or developer to lose sight of what the purpose of a website is. Most people, when asked why they have a website for their business, will say something like, “So people can find me online.” But why is it important for someone to find you...

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