Web Design Projects Gone Wild: The Importance of Project Definition

Yesterday I had lunch with one of my best friends and all around stand-up guy, who also happens to be a web designer.  Like the complete geeks that we are, we spent the entire lunch discussing web design, a possible JV project, common pain points etc., but most of the...

5 Web Development Traps to Avoid

There are two ways to learn any skill. One is by experience and the other is by being taught from someone who already has that experience. As with any skill, there are common web design mistakes that nearly everyone makes early on. Here, I want to guide you through...

Epic Post on How To Conquer Coding Frustration

Learning to code can be maddening.  A simple typo can first have you pulling out your hair, then questioning your career choices and eventually it might leave you questioning your own sanity. Learning to conquer this frustration and persist through troublesome errors...
Think BIG! Not Just a Website, Not Just a Web Designer

Think BIG! Not Just a Website, Not Just a Web Designer

Ten years ago, a website was thought of as just another channel to market a business, not much different than a newspaper or Yellow Pages ad, only with more information and color. Then along came blogging and Facebook, Twitter and Google ads. No longer is a website a...

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Learn How To Create Your Own Successful Web Design Business

If you want to become a successful web designer and work for a big corporation, this post is not for you.  If you want to run your own successful web design business or be a freelance web designer, then read on! As I said in my first post, knowing how to create a...

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What This Site Is All About

In short, it is all about web design.  There are, however, over 370 MILLION sites about "How To Design Websites."  Yes, I counted them all (with a little help from Google).  So why another website for web designers?  It isn't because I think there should be...

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